

本学工学部マテリアル工学科は、MIT材料理工学科と協働し、2008年からすでに先端的な人材育成プログラム「東大-MIT国際講義:マテリアル工学入門」を、学部1・2年生を対象として実施してきました。本講義は、MITの「Principles of Engineering Practice, 3.003/3.004(MIT講義科目名)」との協同講義です。



(1) COIL-style education for the development of world-leading global engineering specialists

Each group will comprise a few Japanese and U.S. undergraduate students in their second and third years at university. They will be tasked with research on a technology with growth potential. The Japanese students will discuss with their U.S. counterparts in the same group through Skype and other online methods for COIL. After preparing a report on the research, the Japanese and U.S. students will visit each other in their respective countries and present the research results in a student symposium. Students will attend classes at the other university online or by watching a video.




(2) COIL-style education for internationalization

In order to learn each other’s culture, accept diverse values, and acquire a high level of ethics for international society, UTokyo and MIT students will use their linguistic resources to learn their mutual languages of English and Japanese. Both graduate and undergraduate students will participate in COIL-style classes similar to the classes outlined in (1) above. UTokyo and MIT students will be paired to work on the same task, discuss by Skype, compile the research results for presentation, and finally visit their respective countries for cultural exchanges.


東京大学とMITとの間の交換留学に関する協定が2016年1月締結され、学部生限定の交換留学生制度が導入されました。交換人数は最大5名/年で、2016年から開始されています。東大工学部では、マテリアル工学科、機械系の学科、MITは、Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, がパートナー学科になっています。留学時期は、東大工学部からMITへ 9月~12月末、MITから東大工学部へ 2月~6月初旬(S1の終了時まで)となっています。留学後は、学生間で正のフィードバックがかかり、希望者が増加しています。

(3) Dispatching/accepting exchange students

A total of five UTokyo students (from the Dept. of Materials Engineering, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Dept. of Mechano-Informatics,) and a total of five MIT students (from the Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering) will be dispatched and accepted between the two universities per year as exchange students.
